What I Took Away From The Cable Show (other than the tsotchkes), plus A Brief Google TV Note (For Now)

bit.ly/9xFrlG (Regarding the news in advanced TV from last week – Google TV – I think it could be a Big Deal and a Game Changer. Possibly, maybe. There are a lot of “devils in the details” in gaining consumer traction. Plus, gaining advertiser, network and operator traction will depend on business side issues including the Fear Of Google […]

Better Monetization through Better Counting: Measurement Matters A Lot for Advanced TV/Video

bit.ly/9GSlh6 Next week is the informative and stimulating TV of Tomorrow Show presented by Interactive TV Today (http://www.thetvoftomorrowshow.com/ – San Francisco March 3 & 4). ITVT calls it “The Experts Conference” and it is. If you have attended in the past, you know it’s a must go for people in the advanced TV and video space. There […]

TV Stations’ Challenges Online – To Start, Local TV Is Mostly Not Local

tinyurl.com/c4khe2 As the NAB show starts next weekend in Las Vegas (I’ll be there next Monday and Tuesday), one of the top mindshare topics will be how TV stations can best respond to consumer shifts from linear TV to the on-demand, targeted and interactive world of online and digital TV platforms (including VOD, DVR and mobile). […]