Revenue Models

Why Google TV Can Succeed In Spite of The Cable Companies The announcement of Google TV has certainly got a lot of attention. I think it could (maybe) gain a good deal of consumer, developer, advertiser and network traction. Even be a Game Changer. While my 10 years in the advanced TV/video business has taught me to be a curmudgeon about “Net Meets TV” efforts and […]

What I Took Away From The Cable Show (other than the tsotchkes), plus A Brief Google TV Note (For Now) (Regarding the news in advanced TV from last week – Google TV – I think it could be a Big Deal and a Game Changer. Possibly, maybe. There are a lot of “devils in the details” in gaining consumer traction. Plus, gaining advertiser, network and operator traction will depend on business side issues including the Fear Of Google […]

Please WSJ, Just Say No To Cord Cutting Hype (Metrics Say DVR Matters Much More) Nielsen recently released the Q1 09 edition of their series of A2/M2 Three Screen Reports on usage of TV, DVR, online video and mobile video (you can download the latest PDF here).  I’ve run some calculations against that data – see below for charts and the trends they indicate. And just in time to raise my ire […]