It’s Spring, and thoughts turn to March Madness and The Cable Show (this week in DC – if you’re going I’ll see you there). And since Cinderella Stories are part of March Madness and VOD seems like it has the status of Cinderella among the various "children" of the MSOs (their business initiatives)…
Rather than extending that metaphor, here’s the point.
VOD usage could and should be a lot bigger than it is. It should be providing much more value to networks, advertisers and consumers. And operators too, especially via higher subscriber satisfaction driving better retention, which will have a beneficial impact on their financials.
Currently, VOD usage is not large. There are billions of annual VOD views, but that’s not a big number when total US TV/video viewing in 2008 was 480 billion person hours (according to my calculations).
Comcast recently reported averaging 325 million VOD views per month. Continue reading “VOD – The MSOs’ Less Favorite Child? (When It Could Be the Cinderella Story)”